Sei Sei? Kayflow’s Social Commentary and Humour expressed through music

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Sei Sei? It is the accepted norm as Zimbabweans that we’re on echo. Everything is said twice as if to ensure to ensure your words are not mistaken and somehow this ends up making us sound more upbeat than we actually feel. On his latest release Kayflow is asking us “Sei Sei?” and the song itself is a repeated statement of his artistry, showcasing that unlike lightning, he definitely strikes twice.

The Zimhiphop genre continues giving us new stars and new anthems for our daily lives, at a rate we last saw with the peak of Zimdancehall. The genre is bubbling with creativity in all aspects of the music and it’s burgeoning with new sub-genres. One such artist capitalising on Zimhiphop’s popularity and offering up a sound unique to him is Kayflow.

Kayflow is a name that’s on the rise within Zimhiphop, and listening to him it’s easy to understand why. He experienced his somewhat breakout moment earlier in the year, with the release of the single “Mfana WepaJecha”. A song that narrates the daily life of Zimbabwean youth using witty lyrics and accompanied by a catchy chorus. As if to prove that wasn’t a fluke, he’s followed that up with a track as equally good.

“Sei Sei?” displays this blend of humour and social commentary, that seems to be a signature of Kayflow’s music. Kayflow manages to bring out the ridiculousness of common experiences of failing to find work within the Zimbabwean job market. He talks about it in way that evokes sadness the situation while still adding humour to it.

Ghetto roda dhora
Ghetto rine tarenda but why muchiri shora
Ghetto roda mabasa but why muchiti gora
Makaisa magwinya patsamba dzatakanyora
Tichitsvaga mabasa, muchitomwa nekokakora

The song has lines like “Pakutoda hemheni, pastor vane goridhe nechisuper mugemenzi” that both express the need for religious faith while poking fun at how some of our religious leaders operate. It’s a track that ebbs and flows effortlessly.

The video for the song was directed by Blu Mordecai and they perfectly capture the playfulness in the lyricism and the narration of everyday life.

You can checkout “Sei Sei?”here.

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