Bishop Mutendi’s ‘Accept the Poll Results’ Message to MDC Alliance Draws Criticism from Unseasoned-Sermon Enthusiasts

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Following his latest political remarks at the Defe Dopota Holy Land 42nd commemoration of the passing on of church founder Reverend Samuel Mutendi in Gokwe North, Zimbabwe Christian Church (ZCC) leader Bishop Nehemiah Mutendi is not one of the country’s favourite clerics in the meantime, if the internet could be of any judging grounds.

Those who abhor him most are not agnostics or any other groups who spar with Christians customarily, but those who are assured the also-ran party MDC Alliance is engaging in a good cause and stands a chance at the presidency by challenging the 30 July elections result in the constitutional court.

In a side interview with the Herald at the church’s annual conference attended by over 200 000 congregants from all over the world, Mutendi implored politicians to accept results of the recently held elections and put their differences aside and work together for the good of the country.

“Those that are not happy with the results of the elections, there are rules to follow, there is the Constitution to guide us, there are courts to decide but we want it quickly over so that Zimbabwe gets to rebuilding the country,” said the Bishop.

The cleric’s comments come shortly after the MDC Alliance ditched the poll result and assembled a team of legal experts to mount a strong challenge against President Mnangagwa’s triumph last Friday.

Zanu PF reportedly countered the electoral challenge today.

Meanwhile, Bishop Mutendi has provoked ferocious backlashes from unseasoned-sermon enthusiasts who took to various social platforms condemning him for his statements.

Here are some of the comments:

One username named Mwedzi Mwedzi wrote: “Telling people to accept fake results is an insult to human kind. Why do you ignore the challenge made to the corncourt. You must be preaching peace and unity not to tell us to let go our vote. Whose interest will have been served by letting zanupf go away with stolen elections. If its proved by the courts that zanupf won then it’s fine let it lead and build the country.”(sic)

Emmanuel Bere– “Pliz bishop tell these people to stop trying to subvert the will of the people ….the people have spoken and Zanu pf should accept the will of the people. Infact zanu and other opposition parties like it should accept that we have spoken.”(sic)

Tserayi Mudzembwe– “No one supports, or symphasizes with zanu for the fun of it. All who do benefit. Zanu rewards praise, even to the detriment of our people. The Bishop has his own opinion, but unfortunately he’s not God, or close even to Jesus. He’s a Bishop with a voice box, same as all us…and ahhh he has that gown which we don’t have, and surely don’t respect. We bow not to this man. We owe him nothing.”(sic)

Kwanele Mthunzi-“The problem with pastors they don’t read the bible, so the Bishop is saying stealing votes is not a sin. go and read your bible from Genesis to Revelation.”

Adv Chizz-“Bishop first encourage transparency, fairness, free and fair elections then mozoti adyiwa should accept defeat… Don’t try to endorse a stolen election…”

Derek Kanyongo-“The same Bishop used to worship Mugabe, he calls for unity of political parties but has never called for unification of all Christian churches. The church should lead politics bt u will find these Bisons kneeling and smiling to be ordained by these Godless politicians, It’s filthy.”

Tsickson Mazorodze-“Bishop it’s not the parties which are not accepting the fake results instead it’s us “we the people of Zimbabwe” who are pushing the parties to reject them fake results.”

Davison Moyo-“This is the problem in our country we have devils who puport to be represantatives of God. These church leaders have kept us in bondage. Thats why zanu just goes to the church leader they know they have woodwincked the whole church. So its high tym these devil worshipers desist from keeping zimboz under bondage. We have listerned to them enough under the guise that they are man of God To hell with them all.”(sic)

Fusion Kanyerere-“Zimbabwe is not a church bishop. Why do you want to mix criminals and and those God fearing youngsters. Just preach your word.and leave us alone. A real man of God cannot be seen trying to join mdc and zanu, NO.”

Lines Mashakwa-“Everything is good for you bishop pple are paying tithe and offering muchidya muchiguta while the rest of Zimbabwean are suffering makurotomoka nonsense we want change.”(sic)

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