#WCW ‘The Woman’ uBu!

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We chatted to one of the most versatile creatives Nobuhle Nyoni  otherwise known as uBu. She recently shocked us with a the release of a infectious single under music newly formed stable  Veryus. We got to know a little bit about her and oh, who she crushes on! Enjoy.

 Who is uBu

That is one question I never know how to answer. I am a complicated book titled ‘The Woman’. In my complicated nature, I am bold, unique, loving, loud and colourful.

You surprised us with Ngizophakama. What led you to the music?

Music has been part of me for the longest time. Music has saved me so  many times, when Im happy, sad, angry, depressed, you name it. My second stop after God is music. I have known for so long that this is home for me but I had family members tell me that I couldn’t sing. I had people’s expectations outside of my creative self weighing over me. I had a fear of failure. It took so much for me to wake up and take this by the horns. One thing I could root for is happiness. I just wanted to be happy. I have been on my way here since I was 8 years old. Hello happiness!

What other passions did you follow before music?

I was born a creative and my strength are fairly divided. I was running my blog, which is an avenue many can take to learn a little bit more about me and my chain of thought. I was and still am into event management. 1807 Events is my baby and I love it sooo!

Tell us a little about Veryus?

Veryus for me before anything is home. I am surrounded by people who share a dream and a vision with me. It’s a beautiful place. Outside of the ‘Veryus’ is an eclectic collective of artists, some of which are well renowned in their own right. Each member contributes to this musical mosaic in a way that will seamlessly usher in a new era of bold artistry.

Zim Hip Hop crush?

Wow. Wow. Wow! I wasn’t ready for this one! Uuuhhmmm, Meyniak. Yooo the intelligence plus the creativity on this human being and he is eye candy. I will stop now, bye!


Check out her single below!




Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Free Thinker. Loud. Another inhabitant of Terra Firma. I am not your favourite person. Neither do I plan to be. But you will know my opinion. In fact, you will love it.

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