Trevor Noah Says He wants to do EVERYTHING & we ain’t Mad!

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Scrolling down the interwebs I caught a byte of Trevor Noah’s chat with Jimmy Fallon. Of course, because I don’t live under a melting ice cap; I already knew that u-Trevor is on his way off the Daily Show. In the midst of debates of why, when and how in the Dua Lipa, I knew deep within my soul there was a deeper reason. Call me gullible but his response to Fallon was so airy, so uncomplex, so linguistically un-gymnastic I believed it.

It’s time and mandem wants to do everything.

Whew at an estimated net worth of 100 million dollars from book sales, tours and well, the Daily Show…

Why the fuck not?! 

Now, the internet has had a tonne of comments about this. Mostly saying this is a bad career move or that Trevor Noah has hit his plateau but LISTEN! Do you guys realize this is the dream for so many? That having success is not necessarily just the money OR the job but the financial freedom to clock out, get fat, tanned and old on a beach just because… wow black child you can! 

How many of these black and African ‘quit while you’re ahead examples do we have?
Some may argue it’s not entirely in our DNA considering the number of octogenarians on our political list of Greatest African Leaders. 

“I’m looking forward to living a little more, expressing a little more, growing a little more, and trying new things.” – Trevor Noah on the Daily Show

Of course, we can’t ignore Trevor’s pretty, bi-racial, accent etc privilege but can we respect that the man works?
It hasn’t been sheer luck he is where he is. I don’t know about ya’ll but for me, it is the equivalent of watching a colony flag drop and a harshly contrasted colourful flag rises up in its stead, only the independence here is the freedom to do whatever, whenever or to do nothing at all.

Fuck, that sounds downright delightful.

Good for you Trevor, good for you.

Stephing Out Loud

Stephing Out Loud

Sometimes I write, sometimes I say things. More often, I do them.

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