The Church Mafia

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You have turned my Father’s house into a den for thieves!

Most would say this was not one of Jesus’ finer’ moments. The prince of peace himself, fueled by anger,
enraged by hypocrisy running rampant through the very veins of a body fragmented by religious

I see it every day and I live it and believe me, it is the most sickening and hurtful experience on earth.
Not only that but it creates confusion so profound, you’re left questioning the core of your sanity.

Can Christians really be that evil?
The other day I watched my own sister being beaten within an inch of her life by the very people who
present themselves as model Christians. No two people have been able to arouse the feelings that my
parents do in me. The confusion which has had me oscillating between love and hate my entire life has
left me somewhat paralyzed. Because here we have these two people who are loved by their community and church but are abusers at home.

For the longest time in my life, I’ve tried to reach out to several church members for help only to be
shunned as the wayward child of two perfect people. It’s been a painful and excruciating road but I
made it surprisingly on my own (the grace of God rather). And that was ok for me, but when I saw the
pattern repeating itself with my sister and once more tried to reach out for help from a Deaconess who
once more shunned and snubbed me I knew there and then that religion was sh*t. Religion is sh*t and
religious people are the worst breed of humans there is. The Bible in the hands of a hypocrite is worse
than a bomb in the hands of a terrorist. And some will argue that Christians are humans too and not
immune to the issues that burden us all. Yes, I’m aware of that, in no way do I liken the pursuit of the
faith to put on an iron man suit ( though few are actually pursuing any form of faith). Christians are
people but as with any principle in life, what is the point of there is no application or result? What is the
point in putting on your best clothes on Sunday and going door to door preaching when you can’t even practice the very principles of love in which the Christian movement was founded? What differentiates you then? I’ve met people who believe in all kinds of gods and deities who behave better and for me, the result speaks more than the supposed correctness of something. What is faith without works? Is not the so-called pagan who walks in love and lives harmoniously with others better than the self-righteous one who is a pain the ass! They can speak up when a gay man like Somizi wants to break their charade but ignore the abuse of human rights going on right under our noses. Hypocrites!

Our churches are the cradle for the worst types of humans and for once I finally feel the pain and anger
Jesus felt when He cried out aloud while turning over tables.

You have turned my Father’s house into a den for thieves!


Valerie Tendai Chatindo is a biochemistry graduate, entrepreneur, and digital storyteller. Her work has been featured in Enthuse Magazine and Hallelujah Magazine. Her articles which have been published in The Kalahari Really; “Big Brother is Always Watching”; “Twenty Fight”; and “Marriageability”; include. She has recently been shortlisted for the African Cradle African Heroines short story competition for her story “Sheba-Her Unmaking”. The 26-year-old lives in Harare, Zimbabwe with her cat Muffins. You can follow on Twitter@tendy_vchatndo and WordPress
Valerie Tendai Chatindo

Valerie Tendai Chatindo

Valerie Tendai Chatindo is a biochemistry graduate from the University of Zimbabwe. She is also an entrepreneur and freelancer, writing for Enthuse Afrika's publications #enthuse, Hallelujah Magazine & Her articles “Big Brother Is Always Watching” and “Marriage-ability” have been featured in The Kalahari Review. Currently, she resides in Harare, Zimbabwe. In her spare time, she films a social documentary, SouthPark Harare, which addresses social issues in Southlea Park. You can find her on Twitter @tendy_vchatndo and read her blog

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