RBZ To Open Up Funds For Women

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The Co-founder of WEDB Financial Services Edna Mukurazhizha has tipped that the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) is going to open up funds to women for empowerment during the Vessels of Virtues Entrepreneurship Expo that happened on the 27th of May 2017. The  expo that took place at Bronte Hotel was also attended by Lerato Motsamai an entrepreneur from South Africa.
The event was meant to coach those into business in developing and sustaining business ideas and other issues to do with entrepreneurship.
“You don’t need money to start a business….write down your business plan.” Mukurazhizha said to women into entrepreneurship.
The Zimbabwe Gender Commission chairperson Margeret Mukahanana Sangarwe  said this year that women were still under represented at highest levels in the government, corporate sector and other economic and social institutions according the Newsday Zimbabwe.
Mukurazhizha, who advised women to take advantage of the RBZ funds, also lamented on the small number of women getting loans against men.
“I have worked for many years in banks and most of the proposals that appear are for men”. said Mukurazhizha as she lamented over the small number of women applying for business loans.
Mukurazhizha ,who is also the Managing Director of Banc ABC, encouraged up coming entrepreneurs to partner in doing business.
“Connect with individuals whose strength is your weakness and form better partnerships” Mukurazhizha advised those who wanted to venture into entrepreneurship.
“Have multiple streams of income and invest in property” added Mukurazhizha.
The other sources of finance for investors besides banks are personal savings, loans and equity from friends, family, business partners and associates according to Mukurazhizha.
The Banc ABC director also encouraged business people to create relationships with those who are already into business.
Vessel of Virtue is a South African Non Governmental Organisation that has been holding programs and courses to do with business. The Expo, that was done during the weekend, was the first ever in Zimbabwe.
WEDB Financial Services is an institution that offers loans to women that are meant to assist women in various empowerment activities. According to their website WEDB Financial Services stems from Woman Excel, an organisation whose main objective is to link women in the marketplace to create a platform from which women launch into greater heights.

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