Let Me Explain: I Still Want To Afford Nivea

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I’m back like musana! Not apologetic for making you miss my weekly rant. I don’t think you nimwits even missed me a little bit. I am bit fluey and I have a little fever. I have been checking my stool for the past two days because I am in no condition to get Typhoid. My non-existent health insurance would not allow such.

Quite a conundrum has been brewing in Harare with the firing of my comrades in arms from the city centre. Yes! I’m talking about those annoying, ‘whole pavement covering’ and loud vendors. The people whose sole existence was to provide us with cheap commodities and veggies on the go. Some of us began to even afford Nivea!

My very expensive but cheap toiletry issue aside, these people were living hand to mouth from the proceeds of their sales. Rent is literally a piece by piece process. Some families sleep on the sidewalks right next to their wares. Cold nights spent and journeys by foot to Mbare Musika to boost their wares. The streets of Harare have literally become a habitat. Yes! You might kick them out and tell them to get another place to sell at but are you going to allow them to stay there? Better yet, are you going to pay for their house rent since you have uprooted them from where any corner was a bedroom?

All this just came to me right now. I’m still staring at the headline screaming “TYPHOID OUTBREAK IN HARARE”! Is this a way of using these papers to try and instil fear and the public and make us turn away from our brothers and sisters. I did not read the article but I know somewhere vendors have a full paragraph of how they have contributed to the outbreak.

The Afghani say, “A man sins and blames it on the devil.”

I say, “I still want to afford Nivea!”





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