Bible Scholar Says President Mnangagwa Lost the Election & that Pastor Ian Ndlovu’s Church is A Zanu PF Spiritual Headquarters!

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Believers who fellowship at the Bulawayo preacher Pastor Ian Ndlovu‘s Divine Kingdom Baptist Ministries church should not believe what he preaches or prophesies as his sect is not actually a church of God, but a divine command station for Zanu PF – controversial bible scholar Howard Nyoni has alleged.

In a video posted on the Scholar’s YouTube channel titled “Zimbabwe Election False Prophet Ian Ndlovu Mnangagwa Plan”, Mr Nyoni also claimed that the President-elect E.D Mnangagwa did not win the July 30 election and charged him of ruling by force.

Pointing to the picture of President Mnangagwa, the scholar said, “As you can see, there is a picture of the President of Zimbabwe, the one who lost the election Mnangagwa. This guy is now leading a mafia in Zimbabwe. He is not the elected leader of Zimbabwe but he is ruling by force.”

In the video, Nyoni reviewed a prophecy by Pastor Ian Ndlovu in which he said Presidential candidates (Mnangagwa and Adv Nelson Chamisa) might fight and even take each other to the Constitutional court, but they will unite under the Global Political Agreement, eventually.

Commenting on the prophecy Nyoni said, “Do you know what this guy Ian Ndlovu is doing behind the scenes? He is in touch with the leader of Zimbabwe who lost the elections. So, this is the guy behind all spiritual things which are happening in the government of Zanu PF.

“So, now I want to tell you something, there are many of these pastors who are bootlicking for Mnangagwa, but now he’s using this one because this one goes to both ends – Ndebele and Shona.”

“This is not the Spirit of God. This is a satanic manipulated demonic venture which is done by this woman (prophetess in the video), and this false prophet and Zanu PF. This is not the Spirit of God. Never bite the lie that that was from the Spirit of God. Ian Ndlovu, this woman and Zanu PF, they are playing with our minds. This is not that the Spirit of God,” Nyoni said.

“God is a God of justice,” Nyoni adds, “What Ian Ndlovu is so detached from is something that is called justice. There is no shortage of laws in Zimbabwe except one law and you know what that law is? To obey the laws which are already there.

“If this Ian Ndlovu was serious and if the Zanu PF, they were serious, Mnangagwa could be gone. But you see, they create problems impossibilities which come from manipulating and deceiving people.”

Pleading directly to Pastor Ndlovu, the scholar said, “We can’t be held at ransom by your love of money and your deception, you being used by Zanu PF.”

Mr Nyoni, who in the past has called out Christian leaders the likes of Jesus Revelation Ministries leader Apostle Thomas Chiwenga and Archbishop Ezekiel Guti of ZAOGA, went on to issue a warning to believers, “Beware of these flag-carrying Zimbabwean pastors”.

An apolitical Christian Youtuber, he said he was compelled to unmask Ndlovu’s dalliance with the ruling party, not because he cares much about politics, but because the party was using fake and corrupted prophets to hoodwink the masses.

He said what Ndlovu is doing is not the first of its kind as Family of God Church founder Apostle Andrew Wutawunashe used to do it with the dislodged President Robert Mugabe in the 1980s.

Blatantly, the scholar said Pastor Ndlovu’s church is not actually a church, but a cult and a Zanu PF spiritual headquarters. He said Mnangagwa is clever because he is using Ndlovu, a Ndebele cleric and a full-time teacher at a Bulawayo school, to placate Gukurahundi victims.

Watch the video here:

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