#AskSJ: Ex’s Birthday Gift – To Buy Or Not To Buy?

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Dear SJ

Is there anything wrong with buying my ex a birthday present?
– Birthday ex.


Dear ‘Birthday ex’

Yes. A lot! An ex is best an ex. If you put yourself in your ex’s current lover’s shoes, you wouldn’t like them receiving presents from someone else. I don’t even want you so much as sending ex birthday shout outs on social media or text.

If there is nothing wrong with buying a present, you have to want to get back with your ex and that’s a good way to start. Clearly, you haven’t moved on. You now have to know if they have moved on or not and try again. I am hoping you have learned new things about relationships because your ex will become an ex again if both of you haven’t learned your lessons.

No, you are not intending to buy a present just to be friendly and nice. If you and your ex-are progressive enough, the best way to reconnect (with an ex or estranged lover) is through good counseling/therapy. All relationships need a referee.



Dear SJ

Astrology and star signs seem outlandish to me. Is any of that stuff even real?
– Astro-skeptic.


Dear ‘Astro-skeptic’

I’ve always been a believer of astrology. It seemed real to me and still does. While it’s not going to bring you fame and fortune, it sure does help you figure yourself out. It most certainly does help figure out people in your life and love life.

Some people are just incompatible simply because of their dates of birth while on the other hand some people will be strongly attracted to each other simply because of their date of births! So you could be trying so hard to love someone and yet both of your planetary influences are at a clash. That is not to say that star signs are incompatible, it means people have to work at improving their thought (mental), feeling (emotional) and doing (physical) processes beyond their default star sign settings.

Probably only 1% or less of the world’s population has figured out how to keep their 3 forces n alignment. That is why the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Your astrology can help you figure out why and how you do certain things.

There’s a lot that you use to learn about ourselves and as I do, I use artistry, astronomy, astrology and ancestry because those 4 are different from each other.


Sonny Jermain is an award winning public health, maternal, sexual and reproductive health rights facilitator and a traditional psychic. This column appears Thursdays on Enthuse. Send questions to asksj@enthusemag.com or WhatsApp +263 77 274 8454. Follow @SonnyJermain.





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