Finally, Sun El Musician Strikes Visual Oil with Into Ingawe

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I’ve always found South African Artist, Sun El Musician’s music quite emotive. The depth of his bass and the inspiration of the lyrics as they combust along with very well-curated vocalists. Honestly, listening becomes a near-spiritual experience. It also doesn’t hurt that he’s easy on the eyes with his cute little haircut and ever-fitted denim…ehem!

Back to the music!

Another collaboration with Ami Feku birthed the 2019 single Into Ingawe which simply translates to…

it’s up to you.

The visuals sport the video sauce Sun El Musician’s been missing. But it also a lot of what he’s always portrayed however mediocrely in Sonini, Akanamali and Ntaba Ezikude. Sun El Musician is a storyteller.

A formally badly executed storyteller, almost similarly to Zimbabwe’s Winky D.

Now, I’m not sure about the collective creative process in this video but, mans snapped in Into Ingawe. The video brought me close to tears as it coursed me through a multi-dimensional South African story of hope which was far from synthesized.

A school cleaning lady learnt to teach, childhood friends legitimized their hustle and a husband earned his keep.

At the beginning of 16 Days of Activism against GBV and in the middle of heated conversations over Race, Colour and Afrophobia; this YouTube comment summed up my thoughts perfectly in relation to Sun El Musician’s new offering.

From the bottoms of our hearts, thank you Sun El Musician, thank you Ami Feki.

Stephing Out Loud

Stephing Out Loud

Sometimes I write, sometimes I say things. More often, I do them.

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