Meet the Judges that decide the fate of the Zimbabwe #MultiChoiceTalentFactory Finalists

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As Africa continues to change rapidly, more so in the entertainment industry; this makes the MultiChoice Talent Factory a true game changer. Southern African Region excluding boisterous South Africa has had a slow start in the Film Production department for a myriad of reasons. Enter MultiChoice, a key factor in the growth of digital and satellite television on the continent for decades. 

We want to use our influence to play a positive role in Africa, helping to grow Africa’s creative industries into vibrant, economic powerhouses. It’s by creating value for our customers, our employees and society that we’ll build a successful business for the future. – said a statement from the MultiChoice Talent Factory

 In essence, the MTF is an opportunity for Southern African Visual Creatives to be mentored, curate their stories and channel their voices onto wider platforms. Launched in June, the search for the next big thing in the film has been on across the region.

More recently we played fly-on-the-wall to the interviews of the Zimbabwean finalists. Here’s a quick introduction to the Judges that’ll be making the tough decisions for the two or so Zimbabwean Finalists this September.   

Berry Lwando

MultiChoice Talent Factory Academy Director: Southern Africa Region

With over 28 years of experience in broadcasting and communications, Berry Lwando is a
household name in Zambia. Since joining Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC)
in 1989, his career has transitioned through various news and entertainment institutions, where
he has developed his skillset and knowledge in video and audio production as a director and
producer. His role as a communications skills trainer and mentor at the Zambia Institute
of Mass Communication (ZAMCOM) as well as an appointment as Director of digital migration at ZNBC, made him the ideal candidate as the MultiChoice Talent Factory Academy Director for Southern Africa. In 2018, Berry was appointed the Academy Director of the newly-established MultiChoice Talent Factory Academy for the Southern Africa Region which will be based in Lusaka, Zambia.

Tsisti Dangarembwa

Filmmaker & Writer

Zimbabwean, award-winning filmmaker, playwright, poet and activist Tsitsi Dangarembga completed her education in her home country, where she worked as a copywriter and started writing seriously as a poet and playwright. She obtained her Masters in Filmmaking from the German Film and Television Academy Berlin. She has produced several documentaries and short films and has credits on most of Zimbabwe’s feature film classics, including EVERYONE’S CHILD, which she co-wrote and directed. Her second full-length production, a compilation of three short films, was released in 2010. She lives in Harare where she founded the production house Nyerai Films and the International Images Film Festival for Women.

Ben Mahaka

Producer & Cinematographer

Ben is a local leader in the democratisation of content production by conceiving and participating
in ultra-low-budget productions that help to grow the local production industry. He is best known for his acting and directing roles on “Studio 263”, Zimbabwe’s most successful television drama series to date.  The multi-award winning Zimbabwe based Director, Cinematographer
and Producer has had extensive experience producing development communication films for International Non-Governmental Organisations all over Southern Africa

What could spark these pedigrees’ interest? Have a look at what they had to say…

Stephing Out Loud

Stephing Out Loud

Sometimes I write, sometimes I say things. More often, I do them.


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