The Soap Box: Insensitivity

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Our society happens to be one of the most insensitive and twisted societies I know.

You find that a lot of us suffer in silence in the name of saving face or preserving the family name.


We go through heart-wrenching experiences and we are told to keep quiet.

My only problem with that is the fact that not everyone is strong enough to cope.


A story shared today could save a life tomorrow.  It could also be the breakthrough you needed to get out of depression, anxiety… It could be the ground-breaking experience, not only for the person hearing it but also for you that is telling the story.


A lot of people are suffering in isolation.  Toxic marriages, relationships, friendships, rape, sexual harassment within the family, illnesses we cannot talk about because you are told that people will think the family is cursed or make fun of you. You are told that your story will make people ridicule you.


People are quick to judge when one opens about their experiences… we tend to be so vile in our response to a person’s story. Without even trying to understand the bases of the story.


People are quick to pour out their bitterness, lawlessness, unkindness, and stupidity, yes, pure stupidity because many people attack for the sake of attacking. And some attack because your story is what they are going through. They are afraid to speak out, others react in that manner because they are the perpetrators, so your light scares their demons.


Have you taken the time to understand the conditions surrounding the situation someone is going through?


Is your comment towards their experience going to help them towards their healing journey?


Are your hurtful and disgusting comments adding anything to your life, health, wellbeing?


It is sad that instead of shared experiences is a base for shared healing, comfort, and strength…They’ve become the grounds for bullying and bringing people down instead of bringing others up.



  1. You are so right! We never know the inner struggles of others. A great post.

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