#RapidReview First Listen: Vinnie King ‘We Could Be Far’

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This week we review and launch ‘We Could Be Far’ by Bulawayo based artist Vinnie King who has continuously released amazing soulful, relevant singles over time and managed to provide vocals that switch from R’n’B to Afro Pop to Hip Hop and goes beyond the local music norm. Yeah, Binnie was part of a popular dance troupe not too long ago called Anti-Virus but redirected more his efforts to Song and Choreography. We’re not complaining though, the Artist behind the controversial ‘Ruvheneko’ song which caused a stir earlier this year thanks to his blatant confession of crushing on the media personality, Ruvheneko Parirenyatwa, is one a promising talent, to say the least!

I didn’t leave Dance, I’m just a little more into Choreography now, I’m actually running an Academy called Jive.

We Could Be Far, is the first single from his long awaited album debut due this month titled ‘Full Package’. This song tells a story alright and who better to explain it than the soulful man himself. #ENTHUSE got the juice squeezed from the man himself…

“The story is based on a true story. It’s an awakening experience in love that I went through. It cut me deep and instead of letting it kill me I chose to convert the energy into the song. The experience wasn’t all bad as it also helped me o find myself. It’s totally based on in the soul issues”

Although the clever combination of vernacular to English transitions weren’t enough to hide the not so perfect of lyricism in this one, ”We could be far’ is raw with passive emotion making it a relatable listen. Its catchy hook which sits on a trappy-soul beat is catchy enough to make you want to keep listening.

Have a listen and tell us what you think.

Audio Player


[easy_media_download url=”http://enthusemag.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Vinnie-King-We-Could-Be-Far.mp3″ target=”_blank” “target=”_blank” color=”orange_light” force_dl=”1″]


Dale Lipha Gondo

Dale Lipha Gondo

'If you don't agree with my taste, change your taste buds'-Dale Lipha Gondo aka TheGondoVision

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