Song Review: “Ruchapisa” by Tinayeh The Vocalist

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Voice2Rep is a groundbreaking platform that aims to discover, develop and showcase the vocal talents of Zimbabwean youth. Now in its third year, this year’s cohort features 13 young men and women who have written and recorded songs about social ills that are affecting all of us in our communities. The project was born of a collaboration between Accountability Lab and the Magamba Network.


“Ruchapisa” by Tinayeh The Vocalist is an extraordinary, stand-out track on the Vakuru album. As it is clear in his name, Tinayeh The Vocalist, this young man will go far if he continues to sing like this! This track is about sexual harrassment, a persistent issue in our society, and Tinayeh, gives the subject its appropriate seriousness, as the song is a rousing, emotional appeal for change.

20 year-old Tinayeh started singing when he was six years old, honing his voice in school and church choirs. For high school he studied at Prince Edward High School where he says he benefited from studying music at an institution where they take music seriously: 

I got to learn what to do on stage and how to connect with the crowd. I was in the Pop and Jazz band and I was the Vocal Captain and coach. Having been inspired by great musicians like Amanda Black and the late Dr. Oliver Mtukudzi , I grew up to realize that music was not only entertainment but Power ,the Power to share critical messages , inspire action and active lasting change. I felt the responsibility and the need to change people’s lives through the power of music, so I began to write my own songs, get my own gigs and share the message.

Tinayeishe Shepherd Chavandire aka Tinayeh The Vocalist

Clearly his high school musical education has paid off, as Tinayeh has opened for the likes of Mbeu and Mwenje Mathole, among other musical acts. “Ruchapisa ” is not only well-written and well-sung, it is an emotionally affective, and I defy anyone to listen to it and not be taken in by the emotive lyrics, well-delivered in both shona and ndebele. 

“Ruchapisa” is a plea, an emotional meditation, and easily the best track on this album. The musical production on the album works expertly with the lyrical stylings, and honestly, I cannot say enough good things about this amazing song. However, Tinayeh credits the Voice2Rep experience for its profound effect in helping him to grow as an artist:

They made my music journey real and I never stopped learning. I got the opportunity to be on one of the greatest platforms in Zimbabwe – the Shoko Festival – and this stood out for me. Teamwork also stood out for me, caring for the person next to you. Yes it was a competition but it never felt like one. If anyone out there wants to experience what I experienced there is a need to work with others fully expressing yourself with a good heart. As the year is now coming to an end, I’m grateful for such an experience. I hope to continue to get more  opportunities like these from Voice2Rep because as musicians we always have more to give, so little done, and so much to do.


You can listen to this track and more on the “Vakuru” compilation album on streaming platforms (Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube) or by sending a message to +27600806146 on Whatsapp.

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