Being An Instrument Of The Lord

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 But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel.’Acts 9; 15 

The Old Testament teaches us of plenty people who were chosen to be active instruments and have helped shape the foundation of our modern Christian faith. As Christians, the Lord has made us His anointed and special instruments.

The Joshua and Caleb type of instruments, who in the face of so much fear and intimidation gave God’s people the truth and assured hope. The Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego instruments, whether personal or collective, that moves out towards God towards his testimony and stood by what they believe even if it means facing jeopardy. The Nehemiah ones with a heartache over the people because of the breakdown of the testimony.

The Ezra instrument who is not for a moment compromising with anything contrary to the mind of God. The Esther instrument who flings fear to the winds, and goes, taking life in hand, besiege the throne for the sake of her people, that they may be delivered from the threat of the enemy. The list is so infinite….

What uniquely important about these people is that they possessed a peculiar feature – a burden for their God, his work and his people.

Therefore, beloved, the burden of the Lord must come on our hearts in like manner if we are to be effective instruments for the Lord in his end-time activities. We must be exercised in a very deep way with the interest of God. We must hold back nothing that will count for the Lord and his interests. You would be surprised how the Lord would come through if you give him a chance. He can make us great instruments, and visibly great people.

The whole thing begins with a recognition of the need and the burden of these things upon our hearts. When we’re really into it by the urge of the Holy Spirit, the common features found in those Old Testament instruments will be found in-wrought in us.

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