ZTA Exhibits High Expectations for 2019 Sanganai/Hlanganani Expo

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The Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) has displayed high expectations for this year’s 2019 Sanganai/ Hlanganani World Tourism Expo. In a press briefing, they communicated the opening of the 12th edition of the exhibitions.
This year’s Hlanganani expo will be held at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) ground in Bulawayo from 12-14 September 2019.

“The 2018 edition registered 318 exhibitors and we envisage to surpass this given the interest that has come through from first time exhibitors,” ZTA Acting Chief Executive Office (CEO)  Rita Likukuma said.
“We want the 2019 edition to be bigger and better.”

The ZTA CEO said she expects this year’s expo to surpass the 2018 Sanganai exhibitions because of many accolades awarded to Zimbabwe tourism.
The CEO’s hopes of a bigger expo also emanate from the fact that Lonely Planet placed Zimbabwe on the third position of the most visited tourist destination.

“Our Minister was voted the Tourism Minister for Africa and we are the most sustainable destination in Africa,” Likukuma explained.

Zimbabwe was also awarded on the women empowerment in the tourism industry according to the Acting Chief Executive.

“The 2019 edition will host over 100 international buyers from the various source markets,” Likukuma added.
“The screening criteria for international buyers will be strict as our focus is to host buyers who are serious about bringing business to Zimbabwe and who also have potential to invest in tourism industry.”

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