Cabinet Goes After Truck Drivers For Illegally Transporting Passengers

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Cabinet, accusing truck drivers of engaging in illegal activities, has agreed to penalise carriers found carrying passengers without authorisation according to information revealed by Information and Broadcasting Minister, Monica Mutsvangwa.
The Minister said truck drivers should be educated on regulations governing their operations in Zimbabwe at the borders.

“While acknowledging the critical role played by truck drivers in the movement of cargo across borders and between cities, Cabinet noted with concern that most truck drivers are testing positive for COVID-19, yet they are now responsible for the illegal movement of passengers between cities,” she said during a cabinet press briefing.

The cabinet also agreed that further guidelines for the mandatory testing of truck drivers will be availed soon according to Mutsvangwa.
In terms of cross border drivers, the government uses the Statutory Instrument 93 of 2020 (SI 93)Public Health (COVID-19 Prevention, Containment and Treatment) (National Lockdown) (Amendment) Order, 2020 (No. 3) which allows crew returning from other countries to be quarantined just like all entering Zimbabwe.
SI 93 demands that drivers and crew of transit goods or cross-border vehicles requiring to remain in Zimbabwe for a period in excess of 24 hours to proceed to and remain at a place of quarantine at the border posts, designated truck stops or other place designated by an enforcement officer until departure.

Mutsvangwa stated one SI 93 requirements and said, “Government advises cross border drivers that they can only stop at gazetted truck stops. Law enforcement agents will ensure that the law is complied with.”

People contravening with SI 93 will be regarded as the guilt of an offence and liable to fine not exceeding level twelve or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year to both such fine and such imprisonment.
Besides truck drivers, the government is also after a total of 149 returnees absconded from quarantine centres.

Mutsvangwa said, “In order to curb incidents of absconding, manpower levels at quarantine centres have been increased. Similarly, law enforcers have reinforced their operations to encourage adherence to lockdown measures.”
“Going forward, persons who abscond from quarantine centres will have their details published so that communities are aware of the potential risks in their midst.”

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