Air Zimbabwe Staff Sent On Unpaid Leave As Operations Halt

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Zimbabwe flag carrier crew are being sent to unpaid leave with the current lockdown resulting in loss of review according to a staff notice seen by
The stamped staff notice containing signatures from the Human Resources Manager, Chief Executive Officer and the Administrator, says the COVID-19 pandemic seemingly appears to have far-reaching consequences on the overall economy

“Consequently, the Airline operations have ground to a halt as most of the passenger travel destinations are on lockdown with travel restrictions, implying NIL revenue inflows,” the notice says.
“While other revenue initiatives are pursed, staff remuneration remains one of the largest cost drivers within the Airline and without revenue inflows and external interventions, it will be a challenge to continue funding the salaries.”

Air Zimbabwe administration says such a decision, for the crew to go for unpaid leave has been made after evaluating all the available and possible options.

“Resultantly, our staff compliment shall be reduced and a skeletal team identified by the Heads of departments will be in place to ensure ad-hoc operations, airworthiness compliance, safety, security of aircraft and associated equipment within the Airline.”
“Therefore, some of us will be placed on indefinite unpaid leave effective 23 April 2020 until operations normalise. However, April 2020 salaries will be paid to all staff members in full.”
“Nonethless, we look foward to resuming our normal operations with the deployment of our B737 and ERJ 145 one they are available and travel restrictions have ben lifted.”

The transport industry, especially the airlines have experienced much decline in revenue after the COVID-19 pandemic with nations putting the measure to restrict movement worldwide.
International Air Transport Association (IATA) global passenger traffic data for February 2020 shows that demand (measured in total revenue passenger kilometres or RPKs) fell 14.1% compared to February 2019.

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