Police Refute US Claims On Zimbabwe Safety

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The Zimbabwean police force, Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP)  has today assured that the southern African nation is safe after cautionary reports from the United States Government to its citizen
The US government on Tuesday this week advised its citizens to exercise increased caution when visiting Zimbabwe

“Contrary to the Zimbabwe Travel Advisory level 2 issued by the Americans recently, the Zimbabwe Republic Police wishes to assure all Zimbabweans and visitors who include tourists to all parts of the country remains safe, peaceful and secure,” the police force says.
“The ZRP is conducting general patrols, blitz, stop and searches patrols in all Central Business Districts, Industrial sites, residential areas and other places which are usually frequented by the public with a view of getting rid of malady of criminals.”

The US Government advises its citizens in Zimbabwe to exercise increased caution due to crime and civil unrest.

“Violent crime, such as assault, carjacking, and home invasion, is common,”the US says.
“Smashing the windows of cars with the intent to steal, which can harm the driver or passengers, is also common.”
“Local police lack the resources to respond effectively to serious criminal incidents,” the American government goes on.

Home Affairs Minister, who is responsible for the police force in Zimbabwe, however commenting on the country’s situation said the ZRP has been capacitated to deal with any uncivil demonstrations.
The Minister also said no outsider should teach Zimbabweans about democracy since the Zimbabweans went to war in the 1970s to fight for democracy.

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