It Is Ok To Be Single

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The value of being single in our day and age is underrated. Many people have placed marriage or ‘relationships’ on an elevated ground, describing it in distinguished terms and investing large amounts of time and energy. Marriage or relationships have become the implicit goal for all youths. Is that all to life? People overlook singleness and it even becomes a pariah status, a deficiency to avoid.

Being single sometimes, is by choice. It is good for self-identity, but somehow people see it as a scream of desperation. Rather people do not focus on that, but try hard to escape as quickly as possible. Now there is the advent of blind dating, online dating and hooking up culture, all in the name of getting a relationship status.

Singleness is pinned to many misconceptions, as if being single automatically labels someone as miserable or damaged relationships goods. However, in fact, it is possible to be single and happy. Single beings still have people they care about in their lives and a relationship status does not define someone. There should be deep respect for singleness and being single is not a wretched state people!

Do not spend time feeling sorry for yourself. Not being in a relationship does not mean there is anything wrong with you. Either is it a waiting period until you get a partner. Enjoy being independent and focus on building yourself rather than reflect on your character that will affect how you view yourself. When you single by choice, you do not ever compromise the way you feel which saves you from rushing into toxic relationships.

It is smarter to give yourself time to learn about yourself than settling for all the wrong ones. You have less drama and it helps you not to carry emotional baggage into your next relationship from bad experiences. This helps nobody. Work on yourself, you will never feel trapped if you know who you are and your passions. One should never feel like a slave to a relationship status, value singleness because a status does not define you.

Munashe Chakaonda

Munashe Chakaonda

Online Publisher| Creative Writer| Editor In The Making| All About Big Dreams

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