Zimbabwe Establishes ICT Labs At 17 Schools

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Postal and Courier Services Minister reported to the cabinet that ICT Labs were established at 17 schools countrywide out of the targeted 20.
Training of ICTs teachers had only been conducted at Dimbe Primary School according to Broadcasting Services Minister Monicas Mutsvangwa.

Mutsvangwa said that “… of the five higher tertiary learning institutions targeted for internet connection, connection had only been completed at Hillside Teachers’ College, in Bulawayo, while fibre installations at Mary Mount Teachers had been completed.”
“six of the targetted nine shared base stations in Glenara, Harare; Rhodene, Masvingo; Masembura, Mashonaland Central; Loreto Mission, Silobela; Nkosana, Victoria Falls; and Collen Bawn in Gwanda are now on air.”

Besides the Courier Services Minister, other ministers also reported to the cabinet.
Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry informed the cabinet that the development of the Kore-Kore cultural village was completed, and was ready for commissioning.
The World of Wonders Service Excellence Training Programme which targetted 400 participants from 15 organizations stood 90% complete according to the information revealed by Mustvangwa.

She said, “the construction of a one community curio shop at Matarazi Falls, in Nyanga, was at 95% completion.”

Construction of a lion park at Mutirikwi/Kyle Recreation Park stood at 95% completion.
Mutsvangwa also revealed that planting of 202 330 trees under the Tobacco Wood Energy Programme was now at 80% completion
Planting of 1 636 000 trees by Chiefs, Members of Parliament and Senators under Zimbabwe @ 40 Tree Planting Campaign stood at 80% completion.
Industry and Commerce Minister reported to the cabinet that construction of Intravenous Infusion Mixing Plant Facilities had been completed.
Five of the targeted ten Awareness Campaigns to sensitise consumers on the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act were conducted, two in Harare, two in Marondera, and one in Chinhoyi.
Creation of a Reserved Sector Database exercise was 60% complete. The government is working with the Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZR) to formulate a database for the players of the reserved sectors that will assist on policy formalisation and implementation. Reserved sectors are agriculture (primary production of food and cash crops), transportation, retail and wholesale trade, barbershops, hairdressing and beauty salons, employment and estate agencies and grain milling as well as bakeries, tobacco grading and packaging, tobacco processing, advertising agencies, milk processing and provision of local arts and crafts, marketing and distribution. The database is set to keep track of all players in the reserved sector at the same time giving Government an insight on how locals are benefiting from the indigenous orientated programme and issues of non-compliance
The resuscitation of RHA Tungsten, was at an advanced stage with the construction of the substation now complete with 5.2 km of the 6km KVA line having been completed. The government proposed an investment of US$6 million in support of the RHA Tungsten project in Matabeleland North last year.

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