Zim Government Working on A Strategy to Use Digital Platforms in Interacting with Citizens

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Zimbabwe’s government is working on a strategy that will result in the enhancement of interaction with citizens through digital platforms, Publicity Minister Monica Mutsvangwa revealed yesterday.

Mutsvangwa said that the cabinet had already considered and approved a report on the Integrated Information and Communication Technology System Strategy in the Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage

“The Integrated Information and Communication Technology Systems Strategy in the Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage is a component of the Smart Government Pillar of the SMART Zimbabwe 2030 Master Plan which aims at reforming critical Government operations through ICTs,” she said.
“Implementation of the strategy will result in the enhancement of interaction between Government and its citizens through the digital platform.”

The Integrated Strategy also aims at automating work processes and integrating ICT systems within the Home Affairs Ministry and outsiders, according to Mutsvangwa.

“Automation is expected to enhance operational efficiencies and national security. The Integrated System will be inter-operable and will help reduce corruption and improve revenue collection. Clients will be able to access the Ministry’s services through multiple, transparent and easily accessible channels,” she said.
“The project will help reduce congestion and manual paperwork, and improve back-office functions.”
“Through the system, the banking sector will be able to confirm clients’ personal information in real time, while Government Ministries in the tourism, transport, traffic management and revenue collection sectors can benefit from linkages with the Immigration and Central Registry as well as with the Zimbabwe Republic Police,” went on Mutsvangwa.

Mutsvangwa also revealed that the project will be implemented on a phased basis, with priority being accorded to partially computerized Departments such as Immigration, the Civil Registry and the Zimbabwe Republic Police.

“Phase 1 of the project will commence in 2021, using funds allocated to the Ministry for the current budget year,” she explained.

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