Low Levels of Biotechnology In Zimbabwe

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The Scientific and Industrial Research and Development Centre (SIRDC) Director Deckster Tonny Savadye said that the use of biotechnology in the Zimbabwean industries has remained low. Biotechnology is the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make products.
Speaking on a side interview with #BHIZIMUSI during the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) training on biotechnology Savadya said that the country was having challenges in research laboratories.

“The challenge is on the infrastructure… The industry has remained in the low levels of biotechnology.”

Zimbabwe was hosting a NAM training session on biotechnology in Harare with over 15 countries in attendance.
Despite the challenges meeting Zimbabwe in biotechnology, the scientific production of products has a potential to open employment as it has led to the development of many industries around the world.
Savadya said that Zimbabwe’s research in biotechnology is being done in laboratories.

“Our universities have been training on biotechnology since 1993 being spearheaded by the University of Zimbabwe,” Savadya said .
“The government set a legal framework to be used in the biotechnology”

Zimbabwe established the National Biotechnology Authority (NBA) through an Act of 2006 [chapter. 14: 31 ] with the role of transforming the country from a raw material based into a knowledge based economy through the judicious application of biotechnology in agriculture, medicine, energy and the environment.
Countries shared information through presentations on how they were using bio technologies in sectors such as agriculture.
The four-day workshop ended yesterday after a tour by participants to the University of Zimbabwe and also Parirenyatwa for more learning purposes.

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