Tete Fadzie & Zezuru Rockstar Present: Confession Booth

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Fadzai “Tete Fadzie” Mutwira and Alexander “Zezuru Rockstar” Guzha are the presenters of a new Eleven Dogs studio produced show called Confession Booth. It’s an unfiltered discussion of secret confessionals submitted by the public. Seemingly born out of Tete Fadzie’s long running and often controversial anonymous confessions on Twitter. The show adds a new angle to this with the onscreen discussions.

If you’re looking for political correctness, then you won’t find it here. Zezuru Rockstar is often the devil’s advocate as confessions are dissected. The show gives viewpoints  both from the perceived victim and the perceived villain. Although they try to widely discuss the issues raised by each confession, Zezuru Rockstar and Tete Fadzie are not the most liberal of presenters. But right from the first episode the two had great chemistry. The show simply flows from one viewpoint to the next.

I would say on average the voice of the show is moderately conservative. You will be entertained, but you might just be equally annoyed at some point. This is because the hosts don’t play it safe. In some moments they have the offside awareness of Cristiano Ronaldo.

However I would say it’s a decent start from the duo and presently I would just wish they researched more into the issues an episode would discuss. For example the third episode featured a theme of sexual harassment in the workspace and although the duo tried to be sensitive about the issue they didn’t have relevant stats or relevant information like organisations to direct people who’ve faced those issues at work.

But it seems the show producers are partly ahead of me in this regard. They hope to add professionals to these discussions to share their viewpoints.

Soon we will be inviting professional counsellors and elders to be part of the show to give their one min take on issues.

The show was produced & directed by awarded winning photographer & cinematographer Henry Hakulandaba for Eleven Dogs production company. Eleven Dogs is known as a fearless production house. This is in regards to the number of shows they produce with borderline topics. They cover topics ranging from politics to religion.

Some of their well known production are State of the Nation that used to be hosted by Zororo Makamba, Cordilia Masaletulini and now Oscar Mutaruka, Point of View with Kuda Mangwe, THE LINK hosted by Ruvheneko Parirenyatwa, The Weekly Dose by Admire Kuzhangaira (Bhutisi), The Tea with MisRed (Samantha Musa).

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