#PoetryWednesday: The Match

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The eye belies how profoundly
You hold me from within
Filling every empty space
With layers of affection
Like gems falling
From the night sky
Each jewel filling
The right space
Yet within this perfect order
Disorder ensues
Refusal throwing me off balance.
Can’t be a receiver
Who cannot give back
Checking what I have,
Only thoughts
To be sweetly expressed
Which like tiny parcels
Bounce from my heart
Turning to vapour
Yet no particle is lost
Until it finds your heart
The eye belies how profoundly
You fill the whole of me
Little though you may be
Yet no part of me
Is left wanting
As in the hold of my arms
You multiply, sucking
The whole of me
Into the boundless avenues
Of your lovely self.

By Nhamo Muchagumisa.

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