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The Courtauld Gallery was filled with some of the country’s great art minds, diplomatic officials and opinion leaders. A festive spirit was in the air with the wine flowing to keep the mood light. This is recently when the National Gallery Of Zimbabwe celebrated 60 years of existence and they did it in style with an exhibition themed  “Unpacking the Vision: From Rembrandt to Mubayi”.

This majestic piece of architecture strategically located next to Harare’s inner city park, the Harare Gardens, has stood ever since its opening on the 17th of July 1957, housing numerous exhibitions that are still etched in the minds of those who there from the beginning. To celebrate this feat, the gallery pulled all the stops by showcasing some f the priceless pieces it has in its Permanent Collection.

In line with the theme the exhibition filling all the galleries inside told a story of art from the masters of the 18th century all the way to Modern Zimbabwean Contemporary Art.  Pieces from Rembrandt himself, Monet, Vernet, Goya, Pissaro, Ghananian Ablade Glover, Thomas Mukarobgwa and Kingsley Sambo, all found their places in the Gallery hallways to the awe of the attendees.

Sylvester Mubayi who was also being honoured for his sculptural work in the theme was also in attendance. He was also part of the Zimbabwean contingent that represented the nation at the Venice Biennale this year. This ‘father’ of sculpture who has stood the test of time is evidence that Zimbabwean Art is a force to reckon with and his recognition showed that the gallery was proud of the work of indigenous artists.

The Exhibition was officially opened by Dr Godfery Mahachi who is the Director of the National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe. Also among the dignitaries was one of the country’s top medical practitioners, Dr Solomon Guramatunhu. Other partners of the gallery showed support for this achievement and came in their numbers.

Cheers to the National Gallery of Zimbabwe and the colourful future ahead!






Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Free Thinker. Loud. Another inhabitant of Terra Firma. I am not your favourite person. Neither do I plan to be. But you will know my opinion. In fact, you will love it.

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