What You Missed at Miss World Zimbabwe 2017

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With the crowning of 22-year-old Chiedza Lorraine Mhosva as the new MISS WORLD ZIMBABWE 2017 at Saturday’s annual awards ceremony held and broadcasted live from the Borrowdale Brooke Golf Course,  the spotlight is upon Chiedza seeing her triumph over 15 other beautiful contenders from various provinces around Zimbabwe.

Hosted by news anchor Rumbidzai ‘NewsBae‘ Takawira with live performances by Alick Macheso and South Africa’s Ringo Madlingozi, the night’s pageant was eccentric running the theme, “Celebrating Beauty Through Our Late Icon Kiki Divaris”. Judges had a lot on their plates considering the competitive showcase not to forget night’s  highlight which was the world class nightwear category, with outfits put together by local designer Spero Villiot.

The new Miss World Zimbabwe walked away with a USD$ 20 000 cash price and a brand new car which is to be unveiled in a fortnight in Highlands at the Miss Zimbabwe Trust offices. The University of Cape Town Film and Acting student, currently signed to Dekan Model Management gave an acceptance statement to tell us her plans with her prize money,

“First of all I’m going to take my mother out she has worked really hard for me and all my life so I need to take her out first then the rest of it I’m going to pay my tuition fees and probably help someone who needs assistance with tuition as well”, (good thing she said “probably” to avoid any future speculations).

The first princess was awarded to 23-year-old Evelyn Njelele from Gokwe who was the crowd favourite at the night’s event might we add and the Second princess went to 21-year-old Kundai Claire Somerai who received $10 000 and $5 000 respectively. Miss Personality / People’s Choice went to 23-year-old Tariro Zvizvinji(which came with a $5 000 cash prize) and as for the rest of the girls, all 16 contestants were each promised a cash prize of $1 000 sponsored by Bigtime Strategic Group.



Dale Lipha Gondo

Dale Lipha Gondo

'If you don't agree with my taste, change your taste buds'-Dale Lipha Gondo aka TheGondoVision

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