We Want God To Bring An End To The Season Of Injustice: Magaya

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Divine Destiny Network Church leader and pro-democracy campaigner Bishop Ancelimo Magaya has called members of the Christian community to join in the prayer to put to an end to a season of injustice in Zimbabwe.

He was speaking to hundreds of civilians at the Africa Unity Square in Harare at an event organized by the United Citizen Alliance and Citizen Manifesto dubbed The Big Bye to Mugabe on Monday.

Taking over the stand to lead a prayer on the issue of justice, the Bishop requested Bible readings from the book of Amos chapter 5, where the prophet of doom advocates for the prevalence of justice in an unjust nation of Israel.

‘But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!’ Amos 5: 24

The phenomenal and polarized Bishop then went on to dissect the scripture and in essence of it he therefore declares,

We want God to bring to an end the season of injustice.’

Bold and with a concern that appears genuine he highlighted some of the cases that still demands ultimate justice and among them were the mysterious disappearances of vocal journalist Itai Dzamara, Patrick Nyabanyaba, and civilian persecutions instigated by political stakeholders during elections season.

The Bishop also called for the future leaders of this country, whoever that will be, to order an investigation on what might have befallen Itai Dzamara, since the day he was abducted while in a barbershop.

In his final remarks, Bishop Magaya said that if people in positions of power fail to carry out justice, then the Lord Almighty himself will, and that will be some irrevocable divine justice. He equates the political whirlwind happening in the country as a smack of one.

Civilians in Harare are gathering at the Africa Unity Square where they are having a welfare to the 93 years old President Robert Mugabe with placards written #MugabeMustGo. They are praying for peace, freedom and justice to prevail in a new Zimbabwe as there appears to be a commotion in the political sphere. They convene at 1300 hrs to 1400 hrs for a big prayer, and it is their belief that God can map out a better nation for Zimbabwe.

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