South Africa’s SJ Myeza Snags The First Ever #BeTheYoungGuns Creative Choice Award

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The One Club for Creativity the industry’s only international, cross-disciplinary, portfolio-based awards competition that identifies and celebrates today’s vanguard of young creative professionals; revealed two more, special awards recognising the best of the best of young creatives age 30 and under.

South African filmmaker SJ Myeza of 7Films was presented with the first-ever Young Guns Creative Choice Award. The accolade is the result of a public vote by the global creative community at large who reviewed work of all YG15 winners and picked the one they believe stands above all others. The ceremony was held on Thursday, 16 November 2017, in New York had a record number of entries received from 44 countries, and judged by 50 top creatives from around the world, half of whom are past Young Guns.

Check out some of 7Films stuff below. The work entered was for Surf Shack ‘Chasing the dragon’, Johnnie Walker ‘Born Free’, Russian Bear ‘IamNext’, Moto Lenovo ‘How do you say hello’, and Safaricom Flex ‘Salon’. Check out ‘Chasing the Dragon’ below: 

Adapted: SA’s SJ Myeza presented with Young Guns 15 Creative Choice Award!

Stephanie Kapfunde

Stephanie Kapfunde

Stephanie is the Founder of Zimbabwean New Media start-up Enthuse Afrika & the Editor of their biggest project so far #ENTHUSE.

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