Parents’ Devastating Discovery | Prophet Magaya Sexually Abused Our Daughter

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UK based actress, script-writer and founding member of the all-female dance crew, Enisia Mashusha, previously made sensational claims that Prophet Walter Magaya is a sex predator preying on desperate women who work for him.

In 2018, Mashusha claimed on her Facebook page saying she once worked for Magaya’s Prophetic Healing Deliverance (PHD) ministries four years ago. In her position at PHD, Mashusha said she was responsible for building Prophet Magaya’s image and keeping confidential information about him.

In the post, she accused the cleric of abusing his position by making love overtures to every woman who worked for him saying some fell for him.

She would go on and made a vow to continue exposing what she knows about Magaya, saying that justice would one day prevail.

Well, she is a woman of her word, we should give her that.

The latest edition of her Facebook show – the A-List Show – features an ex-PHD Ministries couple who are labelling fresh rape allegations against mega-church cleric.

The visibly disturbed parents narrated their daughter’s ordeal with Dr Magaya, claiming that the prophet sexually abused her.

“He manipulated the minor until she gave herself in,” said the sobbing mother.

The regularly conducted coitions resulted in having the girl pregnant, to which she gave birth to a nullius filius who she was apparently not fond of.

The parents said that they only get to hear of the abuse after their daughter was encouraged to make it an open secret by her now-betrothed husband.

In the video, they also said Prophet Magaya at some point paid uncorroborated maintenance through his wife Tendai but stopped after only four months.

The parents said they are speaking out now to raise awareness around issues to do with the sexual abuse of a girl child and also to expose the predator and paedophilism in one of the most trusted and revered clerics in the society.

Churches now more than ever stand accused of being platforms that allow predators and exploiters to thrive. Church leaders have been denounced for of preying on the weakest of the weak in their parishes, cleverly concealing their moral ideal that the ends justify the means.

Pastors, priests, preachers alike search for vulnerabilities in their prey, such as poverty, drug addiction, loneliness, sickness, trauma and find ways to contextualise the gospel message that exploits these needs so that people will be convinced to believe and follow them.

Prophet Magaya is yet responded to the allegations.

Watch the video as the parents narrate their daughter’s ordeal with Dr Magaya.

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