Nyasha Dzedenga Gospel Show Flopped! But It Might Be The Making of The Organisers

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Reports by the Daily News have indicated that organisers of the much-hyped gospel music show that was scheduled for Glamis Arena last weekend had a rude awakening with reports that less than 20 people turned out.

Organised by Sound Blaze Productions, the show themed “Nyasha Dzedenga Gospel Show” had the upper echelons of Zimbabwe’s gospel music in the person of Mathias Mhere, veteran muso Mechanic Manyeruke, Minister Michael Mahendere, Janet Manyowa, Fungisai Zvakavapano-Mashavave, Sabastian Magacha and Kudzi Nyakudya and a lot were expected.

However, it was not to be, and the organisers took to social media and announced the postponement.

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, Nyasha Dzedenga Gospel Show has been postponed. Date to when the show will be held is to be advised,

they wrote on Facebook.

Before the cancellation, only Magacha and Forward Mazuruse had performed with the hope that more people would attend, sources told the Daily News.

Poor marketing has been cited as the cause of the flop, with some on social media saying the sun is setting on gospel music.

Artistes who spoke to the tabloid said the show had to be moved with organisers saying they will hold it in April 2019.

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