Lights! Camera! Black Jesus! St Agnes Catholic Community to Premiere Self-produced Movie ‘The Last Supper’ on June 2nd

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Christian filmmakers are now a force to be reckoned with, and they anticipate to reach beyond their religious fans to a vaster, less devout audience. In a related style, St Agnes Community, a Roman Catholic Parish in Zengeza, Chitungwiza is proud to present the premiere cinema screening of their self-designed feature film The Last Supper on the 2nd of June.

The movie recounts the greatest emotional story ever told: the life of Jesus Christ from the time of his Last Supper to the moment of his death.

First of its nature by Zimbabweans, the main aim of this production is to raise funds for the second phase of the construction of the parish’s new church building (Foundation Slab Level). The structure is on the foundation stage and their bill of quantities indicates that they will require about $140,000.00 to accomplish this stage.

The feature, however, is not solely intended to set up money for the new church but is also stretching the narrative of redemption to all and instil the spirit of love and togetherness in all societies.

Directed by Fr. Jimmy Nyangadi O. Carm, Fr. Webster Cibvongodze O. Carm and Lloyd Chikwama, the film will appeal to all Christians and non-Christians as it signals all to the Love Commandment, “Love one another as I have loved you”.

The film cast includes Ephraim Hati, Joseph Kanonda, Nester Muchetu and Walter Levi.

St Agnes Church is, thus, summoning members of the public to come and share the experience together on the night of the debut and well-wishers to bequeath in cash or kind. Tickets are being sold for $1 for children, $2 for adults and $5 for VIP.

The programme is scheduled to commence from 5:00 PM at St Agnes, Cnr Tilco Road/Chauke Way, Chitungwiza.

It has not been acknowledged if The Last Supper is one of those films that portrays Jesus as a black man and suggest that the crucifixion could have been racially motivated.

We are keen on observing how refreshing it will as for decades Christian films were defined as frequent by their shoddy, flat-allocations and has historically meant terrible movies.

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