New Music: KaLyf KemaBOSS Drops!

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Finally the project that has managed to raise curiosity on social media has dropped. The project we are talking about is KaLyf KeMaBoss and we have to admit that the king, Jnr Brown still has it. With the hype this project has been receiving ,it’s safe to say that it was all worth it. Its a good effort by a group of artists who are currently trendsetters and on the first listen, its Wololo!

This track is a collaboration of Jnr Brown, Shasha, ‘King Mukoko’ Tytan and Yagi Dojo. It’s refreshing to listen to Jnr Brown after the hiatus he had taken subjecting us to vernacular rap from plainly disappointing artists. Shasha held down the hook, which is very impressive considering the increasing number of female vocalists. If you had written her off you need to reconsider, she can fend off the competition. However, I’m not sure if its Tytan’s style of rap or the fact that he hasn’t managed to do any big project after Mukoko, but I just did not feel his verse. That aside, he managed to try to rise to the occasion and provided a nice delivery. Sho skhokho! This joint was produced by Yagi Dojo and he did some vocals too, one of those being the opening lines.  I guess Yagi has an attachment to tracks with the title ‘KaLife’!

All in all, its a dope track and it is assured rotation on the radio.  Trust us on that!

Rating 7/10

Kirkpatrick Chidamba


Have a listen to KaLyf KemaBOSS and tell us what you think below!


Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Free Thinker. Loud. Another inhabitant of Terra Firma. I am not your favourite person. Neither do I plan to be. But you will know my opinion. In fact, you will love it.

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