Christians Want Mampi, Dambisa, Others To Stop Sexualising Their Music!

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Christians in Zambia fears that pop music videos have become too sexualised and have appealed to secular singers not to imitate Western popstars who in their music videos and public performances try to simulate sex to sell their music.

The parents said they were no prudes, but felt things had gone too far.

In separate interviews that were conducted by The Church Newspaper, some Zambians expressed disappointment that some local singers, especially Mampi and Dambisa, were “pushing their luck too far.”

A Lusaka teacher, Mike Tembo, said indecent dressing and suggestive dance moves among the female singers were not only sinful in the eyes of God but also negatively affect children and youths.

“What we are saying is that those things our sisters are doing are very wrong. I don’t need to remind them that Zambia is a Christian nation, and people need to behave in an acceptable way.

It’s sinful and it’s morally wrong to dress badly and dance suggestively just because you want people to buy your music. It’s because of such people that we have high defilement and rape rates.”

Mrs Janet Mulenga, a 47-year-old mother of three says music videos produced by among others Mampi, Judy Yo and Dambisa were having a negative effect on her teenage sons. She said her children had repeated sexual lyrics without knowing their meaning.

“My children at home are not as well behaved as I would have loved them to be. And that is not because I am a very bad mother. No. I have tried to raise them in a Christian way. But the music they listen to has had very bad effects on them.

They sing those very insulting songs. Some are into watching pornography and I want to believe it’s the music videos that they watch…one of my boys has a very big almost nude picture of Mampi on his bedroom wall,” complained Mrs Mulenga.

Others spoken to like Mr Gerald Mungwa asked the state to come in by introducing age restriction for certain videos produced and broadcasted in Zambia.

Some parents said they tried to stop children from watching music videos as they say it’s toxic to tell young kids casual sex and violence are something to aspire to.

Most parents with daughters said sexual pop acts were teaching girls they would be judged on their looks, not their achievements or personality, while parents with sons said they were frightened explicit footage made them believe women were too sexually available and that they should have unrealistic porn-star-style body shapes.

When contacted by The Church Newspaper for a reaction, Mampi, real name Mirriam Mukape, referred the query to her manager whose mobile phone was unreachable by press time.

But recently, Mampi stated that her dressing on stage is only an act and further warned youths to desist from imitating celebrities as most of the musicians’ dressing during performances is meant to create an influence their audiences.

Popstars elsewhere in the world have come under fire from concerned parents who don’t approve of the lewd element of their visuals and lyrics.

Regularly, complaints have been made that implies that many contemporary music videos resemble “softcore pornography”. In fact, concerns are not so much about the music but the inescapable visuals.

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