Christians Encouraged to be Politically Involved & Aggressive for Zimbabwe’s Sake at the Marketplace Clergy Dialogue

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As activities for the 2018 elections intensify, the five-fold ministry of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers have been admonished against standing aloof under the impression that politics is a dirty game but to rather become active participants in the political and economic affairs.

Speaking in separate messages on Thursday at the Marketplace Clergy Dialogue organised by Marketplace Calling International (MCI) at HICC, the clerics restated the need for Christians to ensure that they become active in the matters that involve them, and not to sit down and let people outside the ‘kingdom’ determine how they live.

The dialogue was hosted by World Economic Congress (WEC) President Dr Apostle Alexander Chisango and was themed Occupy, Let us rise up and build together.

Speaking at the event, renowned business mogul, public speaker and former Senior Pastor of Faith Ministries, Dr Shingi Munyeza, highlighted the effects of Christians’ lackadaisical attitude to Political Affairs, stating that for the longest time the body of Christ has not been taking part in positions of authority.

Munyeza then challenged his fellow clerics to rise above entitlement (the art of being politically correct), fear (of taking control) and consumerism (living for spending and not producing/creating). Explaining the later, he said that consumerism has rendered the church in debt.

He said:

‘If there is a place you want to see people who are in debt it is in the church. So indebted to the core.’

He, therefore, submitted that Christians need to take a bold step and must ensure that positive change becomes a reality. To ensure active participation that would yield a result, we must be united and sacrificial, he added.

Second on the rostrum was the President of Global Marketplace Calling International, Dr Zie Dillion, who emphasised that Zimbabwe should not anticipate on foreign aid for fiscal restoration, but should take matters into its own hands, chiefly Christians as God would want to use that which is their hands, an allusion she made from the thematic scripture Luke 19; 13.

She urged that Christians need to have a voice and the resources to represent the Kingdom of God here on earth, pointing out that in the US where she lives with her family, the clergy is dominant in all facets of life as they have been more daring, a point her husband further attested.

She said:

‘The clergy in New York has so much power because they have been courageous.’

Dr Zie, a Chartered Certified Accountant by occupation and a holder of an MBA in Finance with Manchester Business School, UK and a Leadership programme (PLD) with Harvard Business School in Boston Massachusetts, USA, stressed that Churches in Africa need to have an agenda, lest they end up submitting to someones.

She further conceded that as MCI they are working hand-in-glove with WEC as a means of raising Politicians, Leaders and Business people within the kingdom, and went further to demand that the five-fold ministry should reach beyond just praying in tongues and take charge.

Last on the set was the pastor of the Brooklyn Christian Center, publisher of Christian Times and one of New York City’s most influential black leaders in business and religion, Rev. Dennis Dillon. In his address, the reverend and husband to Dr Zie stressed that Christians should realise the power they have in bringing about positive reforms to their societies.

He spoke on the experiences he had in his hometown New York when he and other 119 clerics confronted a then-racist supermarket chain – Macy’s; his tours to Trinidad & Tobago where he made a collective economic appeal to the determined congregants; and his visit to a Korea where most businesses put crosses on their properties as a sign of their belief in God.

The Reverend then submitted that Zimbabwe’s rebuilding and revivals will not take place by the new dispensation, but by influential men and women of the Kingdom. He went to stress it was time Christians become aggressive.

He said:

‘The people of God don’t always have to be diplomatic. We’ve to learn how to be aggressive.’

Winding off his presentation-cum-homily, Rev Dennis emphasised that the two steps that the clergy needs to do are to leverage collective power, as it is a game of numbers which they have, and that every church should have an economic power ministry.

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