About The Easter Lesson That Went Horribly Wrong

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A topless pastor invited a group of children to physically abuse, including slashing his back with a knife to teach them a lesson about Jesus’s compassion, an act many have described as the worst possible way.

A full uncensored clip, too disturbing to reproduce (kids spitting on him, slapping him, and cutting his back with a steak knife), depicts Jaddeus Dempsey, assistant cleric at Impact City Church in Pataskala, Ohio in the US pull his shirt off before brandishing the blade.

One youngster can be heard to exclaim ‘No!’ in shock – while another frightened girl screams during the ‘class’ on the forgiveness of Christ.

Another young voice asks ‘Are you serious?’

Bizarrely, a second adult then approaches as a boy weighs up whether to knife the pastor. And instead of calling a halt to the twisted stunt, he lets it continue, saying:

‘I’m serious. Be very gentle.’

The boy reaches to cut him, before backing down and handing the blade to another youngster. He runs the knife across the topless pastor’s shoulder blade twice, and then says ‘It’s bleeding,’ although no actual blood is seen.

Before the knife is brandished, Dempsey let at least nine children spit on him, having told them they would not face any repercussions for their behaviour.

Three children are then allowed to punch Dempsey hard across the face, with the pastor standing stiffly as he was attacked.

The video was widely shared after being posted online and sparked outrage among parents who send their children to the church. Now parents are vowing never to step foot inside again.

The disturbing video is below. Consider yourself warned.

The mother of a youth, who reportedly employed a knife handed him by Dempsey to cut the associate pastor at his invitation, said she was alerted to the video by a friend, she told 10TV in an on-camera interview. She went to the church with her husband to get their son.

The boy’s mother, identified only as “Mandy” said she and her husband were seeking a personal apology and would not be sending their son back to the church.

‘I do want an apology, a personal apology, not an apology all over Facebook. ‘I think they should personally apologise to all the kids involved, and their parents,’ she explained.

The church along with Pastor Dempsey has since issued a Facebook video apologising for what he did, saying: ‘I crossed the line and it was over the top.’ He claims he intended to try to teach children an Easter week lesson about how Jesus forgave even those who tortured and crucified him.

The lead pastor at Impact City church, Justin Ross said while Dempsey’s “intent was honourable, it wasn’t appropriate for our student gathering today”.

Another critic noted:

“The intent wasn’t honourable. It was idiotic. It was traumatising. It’s one man’s fantasy re-enactment of The Passion of the Christ, with the key difference being Jesus didn’t ask people to torture Him.”

Pastor Dempsey’s future at his church is now said to be in question following the outcry caused by the stunt.

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