PPC Calls Cement Shortage in Zimbabwe Temporary

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PPC Zimbabwe has informed customers and other stakeholders that the current cement shortage in Zimbabwe is temporary.
The cement producer says that it is currently operating at peak capacity utilisation following the planned annual Collen Bawn factory kiln (furnace) maintenance undertaken in July 2018 preparation for the increased demand anticipated toward the latter part of the year.

“…while we cannot speculate about other industry players, I would like to assure the market that PPC Zimbabwe factories have the ability to supply the existing market with quality products,” PPC Zimbabwe MD Kelibone Masiyane said.
“As a reflection of our continued commitment to Zimbabwe, we commissioned a US$ 85 million Harare milling plant in March 2017 in anticipation of upsurge in the cement demand. This investment has allowed us to fully serve the growing northern market of Zimbabwe better and more efficiently.”

PPC Zimbabwe also says that the company’s factory prices have not increased since April 2012 in support of the country’s developmental objectives.

“As a company, we appeal to our customers to avoid panic buying as this is likely to compound the situation,” PPC Zimbabwe says in a statement.
“We are continuously engaging our retailers, to act responsibly with regards to cement pricing in the market. We further advise customers to procure their cement requirements from our approved stockists.”

Zimbabwe’s local media has recently been reporting of price hikes in the country’s retails.
The cement industry in the country has the capacity to produce over 2 million tons of cement per annum, adequate to satisfy the current market demand estimated at 1.3 million tons according to PPC Zimbabwe.

“The annual maintenance has achieved its objectives of unlocking efficiencies and optimising production,” Masiyane says in a statement.

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