Citizens Pledge Over ZW$1 2 Million Towards COVID-19

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Zimbabwean citizens pledged over ZW$1 2 million towards COVID-19 according to information from the cabinet.
Information Minister Monica Mutsvangwa told journalists yesterday that the cabinet expressed utmost gratitude to citizens, the corporate sector and cooperating partners for the support rendered both in cash and kind towards the fight against COVID-19.

“A total of ZW$21 390 733.04; US$47 million and R356 100.00 has been received to date, while pledges totalling ZW$1 242 160,00 were made,” she said.
“On its part, Government has disbursed ZW$591 million to date towards the same cause.”

With resource from pledges, cooperate sector and cooperating partners, the cabinet agreed to on some measures
Two Statutory Instruments will be promulgated to regulate and control the import of COVID-19 related materials, and all subsidised basic goods.
A wing of Parirenyatwa Hospital be renovated to house COVID-19 cases
The reproduction and distribution of IEC materials in the 16 indigenous languages, inclusive of sign language and Braille will be commenced
The cabinet also agreed that each province targets to test a specific number of people for COVID-19 per month, with a view to increasing the coverage of these tests.
A team of experts must be constituted to research on issues pertaining to COVID-19 and other health-related matters, and proffer homegrown solutions and advice to Government
The Task Force sub-committees will ensure the implementation of the resolutions made by the cabinet.

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