Around 2,9 Million People Employed in Zimbabwe, 2019: ZimStat

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Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZimStat), 2019 Labour Force and Child Labour Survey has revealed that of the estimated 8.1 million working-age population, around 2.9 million were employed in the country last year.
The survey shows that employment to population ratio (EPR), which stood at 36 per cent, was higher for urban areas at 52.6% compared to the rural areas at 26.5% in 2019.  International Labour Organisation defines EPR as the proportion of a country’s working-age population that is employed. A high ratio means that a large proportion of a country’s the population is employed, while a low ratio means that a large share of the population is not involved directly in market-related activities, because they are either unemployed or (more likely) out of the labour force altogether.
Sixty-three per cent of the employed persons earned income of RTGS$ 200 ( estimated to the current value of RTGS$ 3000) and below during the month of May 2019.
The survey that is done after every five years also shows that around 28 per cent of the employed persons reported working excessive hours of more than 49 hours a week.
Around 2.2 million of the employed population were informally employed constituting about 76 per cent of the total employment in 2019 according to the survey.
Age group 25 to 49 years had the highest proportion of informally employed persons at 68 per cent.
The survey also shows that most of the informally employed population were in the agriculture, forestry and fishing industry at 35%.
Thirty-three per cent of the employed persons in the informal sector worked excessive hours of over 49 hours per week.
The survey which is done every 5 years also shows that 16% of the persons 15 years and above were unemployed.
The national unemployment rate for youths (15-35) years was 21% in 2019 with females at 22% and males at 20%

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