Let Me Explain: Monday Blues, The Struggle Continues

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My dad’s young brother owns a small construction company. His whole family is proud of him and because he feels like everybody worships him he thinks that he owes us all a favour. This guy dishes out freebies and money quicker than the archbishop during Holy Mass. It also so happens that my dad is sick of my presence at home, cockroaches ain’t got nothing on me. He recently asked my uncle to get me something to do at his hustle.  Today the gods have answered my dad’s prayers. I’m going to work! Just as I was now enjoying staying at home. Fuck!

I woke up at exactly 0530hrs, my body protesting and the mind pretty warped. I was still suffering from yesterdays hotbox. I reach for my roller. Always fight with fire! I prepare myself a thin bullet light it up and relax as consciousness slowly ebbs into my muscles. After stubbing the clearly finished Mary Jane I proceed to the kitchen, but as usual the stove is full. Cold water will have to be my hell this morning. I’m not going to go into the details of how I survived the cold shower.

I hurriedly finish changing and grab some bread laden with Assorted Fruit Jam on the kitchen counter. A kombi conductor is screaming out front. I better rush out. The kombi is already half full. I have to seat on the second row from the back. Right on the seat that opens up. Fuck! The ride is bumpy at every turn, the council has their work done it for them. These road are now so pothole ridden it makes sense to park your car at home and hop into a kombi. Anyway, I don’t own one so I’m definitely not the target market for those worries.

As the kombi slowly edges towards the main road that leads into town the grim guy comes in and wedges himself besides me. Totally crushing me and rendering me uncomfortable for the large part of this journey. However before we got really far one of the guys sitting at the front drops off. The grim one takes this chance and moves to the front. Let me explain to you why sitting at the front in a kombi is so important. You get to stretch your legs and you will be pretty comfortable. The back is a different story ! The shock absorbers will be on life support and every pothole you encounter is like a lash to the buttocks. I’m still at the back and this mean mass of sculpted human flesh is now sitting at the front, elbow poking out feeling as if he is the boss of the world. This guy is suddenly just pissing me off.

I believe in Karma though, I believe that what goes around will always come around and boy did it! The other guy at the front dropped off meaning grim guy was left alone. I moved to the front and opened the door. Grim guy was forced to the centre small seat. Now this seat is directly  above the engine. Its a bit higher therefore uncomfortable to sit on especially with this guys build. He has to stoop so that he does not bang his head on the roof of the car. I smile, silently grinning from ear to ear as I celebrate this small victory. Karma is a female dog!

In drop off in town, the city is abuzz with people heading to work. Vendors who are still defying a council order to vacate are still a feature at every corner. Slowly I reach into my pocket for a cigarette, I need it. As I pull out the box I realise that something is missing. I had a small sachet of kush in my pocket and now it’s gone. Damn! I dropped it when I moved to the front. Fuck! So much for Karma, now I will be sober for the whole day. I hate Mondays!



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