Let Me Explain: Baby Mama Drama

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I have not been entirely honest with you. We did not know each other that well before but I figure that if you are going to know my life every Monday you might as well as get the whole nine yards. We all make mistakes, but some other mistakes cannot be taken back. You can never fix some of the things that happened in the past. That is what I’m going through right now. I have a baby mama. A crazy one at that. Let Me Explain!

I’m not sure if God was in a good mood when he created some people. Some people have ;personalities that you can’t even begin to figure out. They feed on drama and their elixir is attention. My baby mama is such. She might be the mother of one of the most important human beings in my life but they are nothing alike. My daughter is a lamb, calm and sweet. Time stops every time I look at her. Everything reaches an equilibrium, I’m sure she might be the answer to world peace! Her mother on the other hand is a viper. I know you might be probably thinking that I’m just a salty ex. In fact I’m not an ex, just a partner in an unfortunate one night stand!

This one night stand happened approximately 3 years ago. I knew my responsibilities as soon as she was pregnant. I was still jobless but you never fail to find a hustle in the ghetto. I decided to sell cellphone applications. Not everyone in the ghetto understands the concept of buying data and downloading stuff on Play Store. That was the loophole I manipulated. I was assured about 70 US Dollars at the end of each week. Baby mama got wind of this and this woman rushed t the courts. For those not familiar with the civil court in Zimbabwe, the man always suffers. The magistrate will not attempt to hear your side of the story. You just have to pay the money the mother is requesting. For me that was a $100 every month. However this woman seemed to be using up this money by herself. For the past 2 years I have been steady hustling and giving her the money. All this changed this year when I got a new job and moved out. I want to take care of my daughter more and be there, but I want the mother out of your equation. So I hatched a plan.

I told the mother that I would buy all the foodstuff and clothes my daughter required. I would take my child out every weekend if it was possible and the mother could join in if she wanted. I even promised to give the mother $50 every month as her own stipend. What does this bitch do? She demands an allowance of $120 for being there for the child and threatens to go to court. An allowance? For being the mother of your own child? Are you fucking kidding me? I’m neither her boyfriend or have I had any other canal relations with her since the night of our daughters conception. I do not know what she thinks she did do deserve all this.

You may feel that I’m being heartless. Throw in some heart thaw in the form of statements like, “You destroyed her future by giving her a kid!” Well, she refused to take the Pregnon pills. It isn’t my fault now. I’m  sitting here pinching myself. How did I even get myself in this situation? Most importantly, why did I fuck her?



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