God Uses False Prophets, Lying Dreams & Supernatural Signs to Test His People: Preacher John Piper

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If you’ve ever woken up confused — and maybe even slightly aroused — about why your dreams were full of steamy sex scenes with you as the main character, you’re not alone. Sex dreams are a normal part of life.

In fact, it’s relatively safe to say that we all have them at some point — some more than others.

According to Healthline.com, dreaming about sexual activity with someone is normal, but the subject is treated differently in religious circles.

Since the launch of his popular DesiringGod podcast/theocast, American theologian and preacher John Piper claim that he has been asked repeatedly what he thinks about the topic of sexualised dreams.

Perhaps due to the sensitivity of the subject, he has managed to evade and brush off the question up until recently when someone mailed asking the preacher how to handle such dreams, as a 31-year-old man who’s been “married for 12 years to a wonderful woman.”

Writes the man;

“Hello, Pastor John and thank you for the podcast. I am 31, a believer, married for 12 years to a wonderful Christian woman. I’m familiar with the commands of God about sexual sin and its eternal dangers. I have for almost a year now successfully battled sin with pornography thanks to prayer, God’s word, help from my wife, my pastor, and an outside organization that tracks internet activity for accountability purposes. I know and agree that sex outside of marriage is sinful and wrong. Even the desire is sinful, as Jesus said. My question though is as follows: Why do I have lucid sexual dreams with people other than my wife, even people I have never met before? These dreams bother me intensely even after I wake up because I can’t help but feel that I have sinned, and even worse, I feel as if I had no control over it as with most of my dreams. I have a pretty unhealthy sleep pattern partly because I would rather not dream at all. I am quite troubled by it, and any help would be appreciated.”

Well, in his response the preacher admitted that this was a common topic he’s asked about and that he doesn’t know why this is happening.

However, there was a paragraph where he suggested that God sometimes uses false prophets and even lying dreams to test His people.

Quoting from Deuteronomy 13:1–3, he said

“Wow, God uses false prophets and lying dreams, even accompanied by supernatural signs and wonders, to test his people. So, it’s not wrong while these dreams are tormenting you to say, “Dreams, Satan, brain, hormones, whatever you are, I won’t be sucked in by this. I see how my faith is being tested here. Do I love my wife? Do I love purity? Do I love holiness? Do I love Christ, who died to make me pure? Yes, I do. I will not be undone by this test. I will pass it by faith in the blood of Jesus to cover all my sins, to empower me to walk in the truth.”

So, I think it’s not wrong to say, “I don’t know why, but I’m being tested by these dreams, and I’m going to pass this test.”

Read the audio transcript of the podcast here.

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