Fashion, Art & Sustainability At Amanzi This Friday

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Haus of StoneThe Fabulous fashion show with a difference at Amanzi on Friday 23rd with complimentary cocktail and snacks plus after party with The Monkey Nuts. The purpose is to show people how you can use fashion and multidisciplinary art forms as a means of visual communication and a space to enter into meaningful dialogue concerning current socio-economic trends. This show also explores concepts of sustainability as seen through the eyes of Famba Neni & Haus Of Stone.

Nurturing a culture of collaboration between creatives in order to boost and promote our industry, his is more than a fashion show, but a fashion experience!  Tickets $10.00 available at Amanzi or phone to book, swiping accepted.

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Stephing Out Loud

Stephing Out Loud

Sometimes I write, sometimes I say things. More often, I do them.

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