The Castle Lager Biggest Braai is fast approaching and because we don’t want you looking silly as all the cool people enjoy their drafts and have smart conversations about beer on Saturday afternoon; we put some facts any good-times-Enthusiast should know.
Remember the catch phrase
‘It all comes together with a Castle’
About the Flavour Flave

Castle Lager is known as the perfect balance between dry and bitter, it’s also described as thirst-quenching, flavorsome and balanced! Beer tasting anyone?!
The reason why it’s a Braai Beer
Castle Lager is best paired with…MEAT! You guessed it!
It’s over 100 years old
Castle lager is skillfully blended by the finest brew masters following an old tradition passed from Brew Master to Brew Master since 1895 in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.
The brew has almost 100 years of winning awards for African and Global brewing excellence.
We’re feeling thirsty already!
Don’t miss a chance to mix an awesome threesome necessary for a dope turn up, Beer, Groovy music and Braai because… it all comes together with a Castle. $5 gets you a Braai pack and 1 litre of Castle Lager draft.
See you there!