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Brian’s Musical journey began in the rural countryside of Oklahoma, USA at just four years old when his parents lovingly pushed him onto a stage and told him to sing for a small group of spectators that had gathered. Though initially shy with a bit of stage fright, Nhira faced his fears and has never looked back.

A Music student in High School, Brian was also a member the show choir. As he grew so did his love for music and pursuit in songwriting and vocal skills. In University, he was an integral member of the College Singers group, he released an EP fittingly titled Hope EP. Soon after the release of his EP Nhira debuted his first full length album, Hope’s Stand, which was met with acclaim.

As Nhira’s music and online videos began gaining recognition he was invited to audition for the Emmy Award winning NBC show ‘The Voice.’ For his Blind Audition Nhira sang the global smash hit song “Happy,” originally written and performed by Pharrell Williams, and subsequently chose Williams to be his coach on the show. Nhira successfully navigated his way to the live rounds of the nationally televised talent competition.

According to his Bio, Nhira’s goal is to be a catalyst of hope through the medium of music, with one of his methods being music outreaches. Over the years he has been plausibly able to inspire and motivate thousands of students across the country and around the world with the simple message that it’s possible for them to achieve their dreams. Just last year he toured his home country Zimbabwe.

Fast forward to now, just last week Brian released a single and video titled ‘Is This Love’. At the crux of a Social Media scandal the video highlights the dating game in such a current environment where love or life changing heartbreak could only be a swipe away. The video though simple, is well executed, clearly well thought out. Although we didn’t dig the High School Musical inspired choreography we enjoyed the dramatic sound effects and performance. The song could be a great dedication to that situationship, with a simple question “what are we?”. Yes, the song tells a familiar tale of whatever flavour of water you’re drinking be it the cool dark deep waters of making it go down in the DM or kicking it old school with official movie/coffee/ice-cream dates, most can relate to wondering what direction a relationship is headed.

Older gens insist that we’ve (us the cool ones), lost our true sense of love and relationships in pursuit of Instagram filtered #RelationshipGoals and taps of approval. But…perhaps our generation has modified the meaning of love and hasn’t necessarily lost it.

Have a watch and listen and tell us what you think.

Stephing Out Loud

Stephing Out Loud

Sometimes I write, sometimes I say things. More often, I do them.

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