From around the time he released Happy Again, it has felt like we’re witnessing the third act of Winky D‘s career. A stalwart of the Zimdancehall genre, in fact it wouldn’t be a stretch to call him one of it’s founders, he has lately moved away from the sound that established him. He is no longer the Winky of old, neither is the Winky of the 2010s but a different artist, although glimmers of his past selves are still present.
As every new Winky D project has arrived they’ve been expectations that it will have something of the old him, yet he has remained dedicated to his evolution. Whether longtime fans appreciate it or not. This is no different with Pabho EP. A surprise release that followed his standout performance at a packed Rufaro Stadium.
While only 6 tracks in length it is quite the mouthful. There is no subject that is sacred neither is there a person untouchable as far as the lyricism concerned. It is almost a window into what an unfiltered Winky D would have to say about anything and everything. Although embracing the varied sounds of Zimbabwe’s current popular music, the opinions the artist shares might not be so popular.
On Life Patonaz, the intro to the project, Winky D himself recognises that the thoughts he has to share might put him at odds with some people: “Handina kuuya kuzolikwa kunge Instagram page.” The song is essentially a state of the nation address and a herald of what is to come in the rest of EP.
He touches on such things as unemployment, young women turning to sex work and places a big spotlight on mbinga culture, seemingly catching other artists in the crossfire: “Patonaz maface ari kuTwerkera mbinga, varikutsvaga anotengera chingwa/Macheerleader anopembera achiimba, but pachigafa toti jegera uchapinda/Vangoita lucky havabatire mimba, but maprivate parts akapindwa.”
Pabho features Bling4 and it is very much a hip-hop collaboration in it’s make up. It is a song about resilience of character and the battles we encounter in life, personal yet resonant with almost everyone. A play on words about Sydney Sekeramayi that hints at how a different national leadership, might’ve meant a better life for everyone sticks out the most on the song: “Dai vakangosekeramai dai zvangu zvaabho/Ndiri Australia paSydney ipapo.” Bling4 also seemingly takes a slight at Holy Ten, who is widely known to have had issues with Winky D since their collaboration together: “I forgive but I don’t forget, handisi bharanzi/Handipushe music nedrama.”
As a whole, the EP’s production seems to have Afro-pop as its strongest influence, although the sound of dancehall has an intermittent presence. What Winky D executes differently is his vocal delivery, there is an overwhelming focus on lyricism with the typical melodies that define popular music left to the side. Some of the music is not easy on the ear but Pabho’s strength is in it’s depth of meaning.
Fake Love begins with the almost comical line “Kaindidzisiira mvura yekuflushisa muchemba,” before striking an extremely sober mood. The song is true to it’s title, and it speaks on betrayal and disappointment in relationships. It has a percussive dominant sound, complimented by guitar, which adds to it’s emotive nature.
Kudhakwa is a song seeped in the need escapism, with the need emanating from the sad state of affairs of the Zimbabwean reality: “Nezvipi zvirinani kudhakwa kana kutii zvodhakwa/Ndabheja ticket ndarohwa neBarca/Mumind ndiri sober but zheti radhakwa, saka kwese kudhakwa.” In some ways the song brings to mind the age old argument of glorification of substance abuse vs social commentary. An argument we certainly won’t settle in this short article.
Zvatanga is upbeat and addresses several subjects but the most important one seems to be the fact that Winky D will never sellout: “Ndakachibata kuti dzvii but handisi keeper ini/Handitengese handisi Peter ini.” In another moment of other artists being caught in the crosshairs, Winky states that he can’t be bought off by a car: “Vanoti nemuzita rababa, apa ndofuti baba/Vhura meso hona ka, handitengeke nemota ka.”
Siya comes as a fitting ending to the project, and it addresses head on the underlying theme of this entire project. Principles. From the introduction to the last song, Winky D has been calling for one to hold their head high and act accordingly no matter what.
From the EP’s content, Pabho seems to be a title that says we’ve compromised ourselves enough. It’s now time for a different approach. On paper, it’s a simple concept to understand, yet music isn’t listened to on paper. On the ear it feels very much far from the best of Winky D, but then an artist won’t match their highest standards every time. The lyrics will win you over in some moments while the sound will leave you feeling conflicted. Yet it’s an EP that deserves a listen.