#ThatsSavage : Of Unpaid Hotel Bills, Old School Values & Fashion Savvy Fxck Boys

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We don’t know who ‘Lerato’ is as she is called on Twitter but we do know she has brought about a new style of savagery to the South African Twittersphere this week.Here we were minding our own business when she decided to unleash a virtual can of whoop-ass on her ex/fling/hook-up/acquaintance…?! Anywho, the last time she tweeted, that is before the thread was in 2014, so best believe she had something to say! The thread started like most do, kicking straight into allegations of theft and scamming.


I agree to go on a date with this guy, we actually vibing, conversation flowing, go monate mos. He’s already talking relationship. Shap….uy, we actually vibing, conversation flowing, go monate mos. He’s already talking relationship. Shap….from everything he’s told me, I’ve concluded that he’s wealthy & that he has a good paying job, he even has his own driver 🔥

After date 3, I noticed a reoccurring pattern of homeboy initiating dates/plans that I ended up paying for .

It’s now Fashion Week, my nicely dressed blogger man who loves fashion wants to go to Fashion Week, mara no money for tickets 🤔lol how? At this point, I start figuring out that my blogger aesthetic man is just a scrub who brings nothing but swag and a fake accent to the table…”


Please note that most of Loreto’s tweets include pictures of Papiso and call him by name including screenshots from his Instagram. Eish. So much for that blogging career Paps. We have absolutely no proof of this mara maybe just maybe…

You can check the full thread out on Twitter here







Stephanie Kapfunde

Stephanie Kapfunde

Stephanie is the Founder of Zimbabwean New Media start-up Enthuse Afrika & the Editor of their biggest project so far #ENTHUSE.

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