Harare City Fathers To Engage Auditor General For Council's Forensic Audit

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City of Harare will be engaging the Auditor General in a forensic audit from 2016 to 2019 on procurement of goods and services and other council operations.
Speaking to journalists at his offices, the Harare Mayor, Hebert Gomba said the forensic report follows numerous reports of commissions and omissions in the council operations.

“My council is going to engage the services of the Auditor General to carry out a skills audit to establish gaps and enhance service delivery,” Gomba said.
“We would like to inform the public that underway are audits into land sales and markets operations.”

Besides engaging Auditor General, the City of Harare also made councillor Ian Makone Chairperson of the Audit Committee.
Town Clerk, Engineer Hosiah Chisango was instructed to identify the audit firms that will conduct the forensic audit.

“Laid down procedures will be followed in procuring the services in terms of the Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act,” Gomba said.

The forensic audit also comes at a time when the council fails to provide enough safe water for the residents.

“The aim of the audit is to establish where and how service delivery was negatively affected,” Gomba said.
“The findings of the audit will help us chart the way forward while helping us to do away with practices and individuals that stand in the way of progress and ensure that we put in place robust systems that strengthen our service delivery mandate.”

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