#Daily Devotion: Heart of the bride

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Ephesians 4:7 declares,

“But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.”

The reason many believers miss out on all that God has for them, on this side of the cross, is because many have not learnt to function in the nature of the heart of the bride. The lives of those that believed in God in the Old Testament were marked by faith, and faith is a masculine approach to the spirit world. This is why Jesus, at one point, professes, “…If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed…” So faith is likened to a seed in which we understand that it is the masculine figure that deposits seed. Now the structure of the Church had not yet been installed…

The New Testament now has the Church, being the bride of Christ. So automatically when we move to the grace dispensation, the Church is likened to a feminine figure. The above scripture shows that grace unto us is in accordance to the gift of Christ- The bridegroom. So the reason why many find it hard to operate under grace is that it takes having the heart of a bride… It is no longer chiefly a matter of your seed-sowing ability in faith, but your ability to carry and manifest the seed of Christ in you. Grace is for the humble because it is received from a man, called Christ, by a bride, called his Church. She cannot boast when holding her child because grace came upon her. The Angel announced to Mary that she was highly favoured because grace was to simply come upon her.

It is, therefore, my prayer for you this morning, that the Lord would render unto you the heart of the bride…The heart able to receive and nurture seed!

By Pastor Ray

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