Zimbabwe's COVID-19 Cases Rise to Five

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Zimbabwe’s COVID-19 positive cases rose to 5 from 3 yesterday according to information obtained from the Health and Child Care Ministry.
These cases include two which were added yesterday and one which resulted in death.

“The Ministry would like to report that today (yesterday) the National Microbiology Reference Laboratory tested 65 samples. Two of these tested positive for COVID-19,” the ministry updates.
“Among the 65 samples tested today, was the test for the sample from the individual whom we reported previously as having received an inconclusive result. Today, he tested Negative for COVID-19. Therefore, to date, Zimbabwe has 5 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including one death.”

Europe, with more than 220 000 confirmed cases, has been the most hit continent by the pandemic which was first reported in China.
Spain and Italy were the most affected countries overtaking China in the number of deaths from COVID-19 which is in thousands.
The world’s most economically advanced continental region has reported over 11 000 deaths from the pandemic.
More than 24 000 deaths and 410 000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported around the world.
Zimbabwe has so far conducted 165 COVID-19 tests and 159 came out as negative with one inconclusive result.
The third case of COVID-19 reported was admitted for treatment under isolation at Beatrice Road Infectious Diseases Hospital according to information from the Health Ministry.

“He remains in a stable condition and is assisting our teams in intensified surveillance through contact tracing,” the Ministry updates.

Inter-ministerial Taskforce on COVID-19 held its third meeting yesterday.

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